On this website you find:

- Information about animal communication and holistic animal treatment with energy and homeopathy

- My offer for animal talk and treatment



A talk, an exchange of thoughts as well as felt messages between humans and animals – we call it animal talk. This way of communication seems to be extraordinary because it is rarely practised in our society but it has a long tradition.  Look at it as a telepathic ability which can be learnt and practised by everybody. The door for animal communication opened for me easily in 2009 and I am talking to our wise fellows on this planet since then.

While talking to animals it is important to be present with all your senses. Animals are sending information on various levels and they might get lost because the human dialogue partner did not perceive mindfully enough, has maybe not noticed a signal or has not cared about it. Often the animal also sends the name of the remedy it needs but would not tell me the name. Instead I receive an image, a smell or sound. It is crucial to be really open for all those messages which often become clear only during the wrap-up of the talk. An example for this are the tiger eyes in the “Talk with Bingo”. The example also shows that animals may give different names to their animal friends than their humans.



This treatment method aims at harmonising the entire state of health of an animal. The chakras (power house) are well known in Indian medicine. They show significant changes in diseased animals and can be balanced during a healing session and filled with new energy. The healer will notice any interfering fields, foreign bodies and other disequilibrium in the ethereal body region. The focus of the treatment is to establish a harmonious balance in which a powerful self-healing process can unfold.


Cats and Dogs - Chakra Position


What an amazing gift the homeopathic remedies are! We are treating with the similimum, which means the plant or the mineral, but even the animal or any substance that produces certain symptoms when taken by a healthy human can be the right remedy if we find similar symptoms in the sick person or animal. For example, if a healthy person takes a potentised dose of Yellow Yasmin (Gelsemium) he or she would feel tired, fearful and desire to stay alone. The fear could even cause diarrhoea. Because of the similarity we could give this remedy to a frightened cat awaiting a stressful event (exhibition, travelling, vet) and reacting on this with excitement and diarrhoea. A dose of Gelsemium is the ideal invisible companion of the examinee and takes away fear and trembling. We become aware of the relation: homeopathic remedies can help humans as well as animals.

The art of the homeopath is to create and enliven the connection. Which remedy is similar to the present condition of the patient? Often more than one remedy offers itself and the homeopath, especially in chro-nic cases, will take miasmatic backgrounds into consideration – the person or the animal in its whole expression and performance in this world.



The horse Sundance: We want people to respect all life. Many people still believe that animal consciousness is inferior or doesn’t exist at all, which makes humans less responsible for the cruelties they impose on us. Millions of domestic cattle, pigs and chickens are kept on factory farms in inhuman conditions. Many never see the light of day or stand on natural earth until just before they are slaughtered for human consumption. We also detest the way animals are treated during experiments. Most drug- and product testing on animals are cruel and unnecessary. People need to recognize animals as fellow sentient beings and ensure that they live in humane surroundings. 

(A History of Horses Told by Horses. H. A. Levin, p. 185)